Indoor Netball – Rules & Game Info
- The game is played in four 9 minute quarters.
Game play
- A toss up is taken between two opposing centres at the trans-verse line to start each quarter.
- The ball is passed between players with the objective being to score either one or two points.
- The ball is always alive and players may pass off the nets. Players in possession of the ball may not have any part of their body touching the net. However, leaning on the ball against the net is allowable.
- A player may defend another player with the ball but must be 0.9 metres or 3 feet away from that players first grounded foot.
- After a goal is scored a defence player must pass the ball off on the square or, if there is no square, from inside the top of the goal circle. One foot must be grounded throughout the entire pass off. The pass must be touched or received before it crosses the trans-verse line.
- 1 point for goals scored by the attacks inside the goal circle.
- 2 points for goals scored outside the goal circle by either centres or attacks.
- If a player catches the ball in the goal circle, steps outside the line takes a shot at goal and releases the ball from outside the circle on the ungrounded foot, a 2 point is awarded.
- If a player catches the ball outside the goal circle and steps into the goal area on the ungrounded foot and releases the ball inside the goal circle, only 1 point is awarded.
- If a player catches the ball outside the goal circle and steps into the goal area on the ungrounded foot but releases the ball before they step inside the goal circle, 2 points is awarded.
- A player must be 0.9 metres (3 feet) to defend a player with or without the ball.
- All defending players must be 0.9 metres (3 feet) from that players first grounded foot.
- If the player in possession of the ball steps to the side or back, the defending player must be 0.9 metres (3 feet) from the first grounded foot only.
- A player may be within 0.9 metres (3 feet) of a player without the ball as long as that player does not interfere with the pass or shot and must assume a natural body stance, i.e.: do not have your arms away from your body or use your knees.
Personal contact
- No player may come into contact with an opponent in order to interfere with the opponent’s play, either accidentally or deliberately.
- When defending an opponent, the defending player shall assume a natural body stance (Knees shall not be wider than the shoulders)
Penalty points
- 5 penalty points will be awarded to the team who is on court with bibs on awaiting opposition to field their team after 1 minute of playing (starting) time has elapsed.
- This penalty does not apply to the grading games, semi finals or finals
Contact with ball
- A player in possession of the ball may not contact a player defending who is 0.9 metres or 3 feet away from his/her grounded foot, or in anyway as to interfere with his/her play.
- A player in possession of the ball cannot slide or drag the grounded foot, but can step onto the other foot, but cannot re-ground the landing foot before releasing the ball.
- A player who catches the ball and lands on right foot, steps onto the left foot, must pass the ball before the re-grounding the right foot.
- If a player enters an area of the court they are not allowed in, a free pass will be given to the opposition.
- Foot on the line is offside.
Replayed ball
Replayed ball is when a player:
- Has control of the ball in one or two hands, drops the ball and then takes possession again before someone else has touched the ball.
- Bats the ball twice and takes possession.
- Catches the ball, drops it, then bats it.
- Passes the ball which hits the net and then regains possession.
- A player may bat or bounce the ball once without having possession, and pass or direct it to another player.
Short pass
- A short pass between two players occurs when there is insufficient room for another player to come through between the hands of the receiver and the passer.
Kicking the ball
- No kicking or striking of the ball with the fist is allowed.
Player on the ground
- The ball cannot be passed from a player lying on the ground.
A penalty pass or shot will be awarded when the following infringements occur (players must stand down next to the person taking the penalty pass or shot. They must be beside and away from the player in possession of the ball.)
- Obstruction
- Personal contact
Free pass
A free pass will be awarded when the following infringement occurs (players do not have to stand down when a free pass is given.)
- Stepping
- Offside
- Replayed ball
- Short pass
- Rolling, kicking, or playing the ball while on the ground.
Simultaneous contact
- If an umpire decides that two players have infringed simultaneously, a toss up will be held between those two players.
Toss up
- Players will stand 0.9 metres or 3 feet apart, upright with arms by sides. The umpire will toss the ball and blow the whistle. Only when the whistle blows can the players move. A player must catch the ball.
- A player may not bat the ball nor move their hands before the whistle is blown. If this happens a pass is awarded to the other team.
- Interceptions must be taken cleanly from the time you catch the ball to the time you land.
- You may not contact or land on an opponent when going for an intercept, prior to possession.
- A penalty pass or shot is awarded in these situations.
- Players in possession of the ball must be given landing space by players from the opposition.
- Players without the ball cannot move into a persons landing space causing inevitable contact.
- A penalty pass or shot is awarded in these situations.
Umpires whistle
- The sounding of the umpires whistle whilst the ball is in play constitutes a dead ball and play will cease immediately awaiting judgement from the umpire. The umpire will announce the call and play will restart.
- The whistle ends the quarter, not the shooter. If the person has the shot before the umpire has blown the whistle, the goal will count.
- The on court umpires decision is final.
- The umpires whistle starts and stops the game.
- The umpire may keep the game flowing by playing “Advantage” in which case advantage is said by the umpire and a raised arm in the direction of play will be signaled.
Goal tending
- When a player is shooting for goal, defending players cannot hit the ball on its downward flight. This is goal tending and the goal will count.
Unsportsmanlike play
- Calling to an opposition player to pass the ball is not permitted and initially a free pass will be awarded. If a player continues to call for the ball they may be asked to leave the court.
- Players may not call out or distract a shooter. This will be classed as intimidation and a penalty pass or shot will be awarded. If a player continues to intimidate a shooter they may be asked to leave the court.
Nails and jewellery
- Nails may not be showing over fingers when held up straight. These nails must be trimmed or gloves worn. Tape over nails is not permitted.
- Wedding bands and flat rings only may be worn while playing, but must be taped over. Watches must be removed.
- All earrings must be removed. All facial or body piercing that cannot be removed must be completely taped over with a suitable tape. (NO sellotape).
Back net violation
- When a player passes a ball from their defence half to a player in their attacking half, the ball must be either touched or caught by any player prior to the ball hitting the net behind the goal post.
- Teams must give Centre Management no less than 48 hours (2 working days) notice if they cannot make scheduled games. If less than this period is given the team will not only register a default loss, but also be charged a default fee of which is the game fee.
- Any game defaulted outside of this period will be rescheduled and may not be played against the scheduled opposition. If the game can not be rescheduled, the defaulting team will be charged of your standard game fee.
Player qualification
- Teams are graded into grades with the players they play with, in the first FIVE grading games. Teams introducing players that will affect their playing strength must gain management permission to do so.
- To qualify for finals, players must have played at least a third of the round robin games, which also includes at least one of the first three grading games. I.e.: 16 round games, players must have played 6 games. For 15 round robin games, players must have played 5 games.
Team ratios
- A mixed team must have 2 males on court at any time during game play to constitute that their team is mixed.